Commercial Digital Project Manager

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Commercial Digital Project Manager

Hivatkozási szám: BUDAPEST-0626

We are looking for a new colleague for exciting digitization projects in the following position: 

Commercial Digital Project Manager

to fulfill a position in Budapest head office. 

If you are interested in sales/commercial digital innovations and committed to digital transformation, this opportunity may be of interest to you!
What will be your responsibilities?
  • Monitoring future commercial digital trends
  • Presenting & proposing proper technologies to the commercial business functions
  • Scoping project requirements and preparing budget accordingly
  • Leading the commercial digital projects (including blueprint, implementation and post implementation phase)
  • Identifying proper technologies for our business projects
  • Manage the ROI of the project
  • Manage the quality and user experience of the developed apps
  • Manage the long-term development of the existing App 

What do we require?

  • Min. 3 years proven experience working as Digital Project Manager or in a similar role
  • Orientation in commercial digital processes and apps
  • Experience managing large and complex digital projects
  • Commercial background / experience is an advantage
  • Experienced in a range of project management software including PRINCE is an advantage
  • FMCG experience is an advantage
  • Fluent knowledge of English is must, and Czech/Slovak is an advantage
  • Highly collaborative

What do we offer?

  • A unique opportunity to lead complex commercial digitalization projects within the largest producer of non-alcoholic beverages in Central Europe
  • Informal working atmosphere and friendly team
  • Flexible working hours, possibility of home office
  • Modern offices in Infopark, Budapest
  • Group life and accident insurance
  • Referral and loyalty programs
  • Teambuilding and other company events
  • Special prices for company products

Érdekesnek találod ezt a lehetőséget?
Úgy érzed alkalmas vagy a feladatok ellátására?

Jelentkezz most!

Az állás alapinformációi

  • Munkaterület: Vállalatirányítási rendszerek
  • Nyelvtudás: Angol
  • Műszakrend: -
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