Brand Manager

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Brand Manager

We are looking for a Pepsi BRAND MANAGER to fulfill a position in Budapest head office.


As a marketeer you will have the opportunity to work on our iconic beverage brand from our well-known international portfolio.

Main responsibilities of the role: 

  • Delivers business targets and brand KPIs; achieves project KPIs within responsibility
  • Develops & executes yearly brand agenda in co-operation with global brand teams and local stakeholders
  • Manages brand ATL& BTL campaigns,working closely with creative & media agencies; eg.: TV,digit campaigns, consumer promotions, events, influencer campaigns 
  • Actively monitors brand performance & sales execution in strong co-operation with Customer Activisation Team; Proactively proposes corrective actions if needed
  • Prepares and manages analyses of category trends, competitors' performance, and market potential (continuously and on a project basis).
  • Demonstrates strong project management and organizational skills to ensure efficient execution and alignment across multiple initiatives.

Qualifications and experience required / preferences: 

  • University or College Minor/Master (preferred Master in Marketing) 
  • Min 3-5 years of relevant experience in marketing field 
  • Fluent English is a must
  • Excellent communication & interpersonal collaborations skills
  • Strong business focus and good understanding of figures and insights

In return we offer:

  • constant learning and improvement possibility
  • flexible work arrangements
  • competitive compensation package
  • long term career opportunity

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Az állás alapinformációi

  • Munkaterület: Brand marketing
  • Pozíciószint: Beosztott
  • Szükséges tapasztalat: 3-5 év
  • Nyelvtudás: Angol
  • Műszakrend: általános, irodai
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